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Inside an eye, a liquid is produced by a tissue layer. The liquid is called aqueous. When the said liquid is produced excessively, or due to one reason or another, it can leave the eye as quickly as it should, and it exerts pressure on the eye.
This pressure exerted on the eye can be very dangerous because it damages the eye by weakening the optic nerve. The amount of damage the optic nerve bears depends on the time duration and the intensity of the pressure that has been exerted on the optic nerve.
The sooner this pressure (and Glaucoma) is identified, the easier it is to treat it. As an increasing amount of time passes and the damage increases, it gradually leads the eye toward complete long-term blindness. Hence, the increased pressure on the eye can be a very serious problem.
The chances of getting affected by Glaucoma increase if it anyone from your immediate family has been affected by it. It can be inherited from your parents. Also, your chances of getting Glaucoma increase if you are African-American or Latino, diabetic, or if you have cardiovascular disease.
With increasing age, the risk of getting this disease also increases.